About me

I received my PhD at the Programming Languages and Compiler Construction group at the University of Kiel in February 2020. My main interest lies in functional programming. This interest comes in different flavours.
As my group develops the functional logic programming language Curry , I take every challenge to ease the usage of the language for new users. I’m also always looking for domains that are especially well-suited regarding the usage of functional logic programming features.
My first language of choice, however, is the functional language Haskell . When I learn about new techniques, I’ll try them in Haskell first. As one of Curry’s compilers generates Haskell code, I am also interested in finding the best represention of functional logic features in Haskell.
I’m also very keen about dependently-typed programming in Coq . Coq is my go-to-language when it comes to proving properties about my functional programs or formalising any theory of a programming language.


The FreeProving projects aims at modelling non-strict effectful programs in the proof assistant Coq to formalise properties of such programs. We currently have a prototype compiler that transforms Haskell code into Coq using a representation based on free monads. The semantics correspond to call-by-name. The general idea and basic transformation scheme is explained in the publication One Monad to Prove Them All, which is set in a fairy-tale theme. The succeeding publication Verifying Effectful Haskell Programs Using Coq sets the focus on more complex effects like error messages and tracing as well as advanced Haskell constructs like strict fields. A current topic for future work involves a representation that models call-by-need in order to prove properties about Haskell programs containing tracing effects, or Curry programs that entail non-determinism as an effect.


  • Verifying Effectful Haskell Programs in Coq

    Haskell Symposium 2019 (acceptance ratio 13/25)
    with Jan Christiansen, and Niels Bunkenburg

      We show how various Haskell language features that are related to
      ambient effects can be modeled in Coq. For this purpose we build on
      previous work that demonstrates how to reason about existing Haskell
      programs by translating them into monadic Coq programs. A model of
      Haskell programs in Coq that is polymorphic over an arbitrary monad
      results in non-strictly positive types when transforming recursive
      data types likes lists. Such non-strictly positive types are not
      accepted by Coq’s termination checker. Therefore, instead of a model
      that is generic over any monad, the approach we build on uses a
      specific monad instance, namely the free monad in combination with
      containers, to model various kinds of effects. This model allows
      effect-generic proofs.
      In this paper we consider ambient effects that may occur in Haskell,
      namely partiality, errors, and tracing, in detail. We observe that,
      while proving propositions that hold for all kinds of effects is
      attractive, not all propositions of interest hold for all kinds of
      effects. Some propositions fail for certain effects because the
      usual monadic translation models call-by-name and not call-by-need. Since
      modeling the evaluation semantics of call-by-need in the presence
      of effects like partiality is complex and not necessary to prove
      propositions for a variety of effects, we identify a specific class
      of effects for which we cannot observe a difference between
      call-by-name and call-by-need. Using this class of effects we can
      prove propositions for all effects that do not require a model of
        author    = {Christiansen, Jan and Dylus, Sandra and Bunkenburg, Niels},
        title     = {Verifying Effectful Haskell Programs in Coq},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Haskell},
        series    = {ICFP 2019},
        year      = {2019},
        location  = {Berlin, Germany},
        publisher = {ACM},
        address   = {New York, NY, USA},
  • Implementing a Library for Probabilistic Programming using Non-strict Non-determinism

    Journal on Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, July 2019
    with Jan Christiansen, and Finn Teegen

      This paper presents PFLP, a library for probabilistic programming in
      the functional logic programming language Curry. It demonstrates how
      the concepts of a functional logic programming language support the
      implementation of a library for probabilistic programming. In fact,
      the paradigms of functional logic and probabilistic programming are
      closely connected. That is, language characteristics from one area
      exist in the other and vice versa. For example, the concepts of
      non-deterministic choice and call-time choice as known from
      functional logic programming are related to and coincide with
      stochastic memoization and probabilistic choice in probabilistic
      programming, respectively.
      We will further see that an implementation based on the concepts of
      functional logic programming can have benefits with respect to
      performance compared to a standard list-based implementation and can
      even compete with full-blown probabilistic programming languages,
      which we illustrate by several benchmarks. Under consideration in
      Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).
        title     = {Implementing a Library for Probabilistic Programming Using Non-strict Non-determinism},
        DOI       = {10.1017/S1471068419000085},
        journal   = {Theory and Practice of Logic Programming},
        publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
        author    = {Dylus, Sandra and Christiansen, Jan and Teegen, Finn},
        pages     = {1–29}
  • One Monad To Prove Them All

    Journal on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, Volume 3, 2019
    with Jan Christiansen, and Finn Teegen

      One Monad to Prove Them All is a modern fairy tale about curiosity
      and perseverance, two important properties of a successful PhD
      student. We follow the PhD student Mona on her adventure of proving
      properties about Haskell programs in the proof assistant Coq.
      On the one hand, as a PhD student in computer science Mona observes
      an increasing demand for correct software products. In particular,
      because of the large amount of existing software, verifying existing
      software products becomes more important. Verifying programs in the
      functional programming language Haskell is no exception. On the
      other hand, Mona is delighted to see that communities in the area of
      theorem proving are becoming popular. Thus, Mona sets out to learn
      more about the interactive theorem prover Coq and verifying Haskell
      programs in Coq.
      To prove properties about a Haskell function in Coq, Mona has to
      translate the function into Coq code. As Coq programs have to be
      total and Haskell programs are often not, Mona has to model
      partiality explicitly in Coq. In her quest for a solution Mona  nds
      an ancient manuscript that explains how properties about Haskell
      functions can be proven in the proof assistant Agda by translating
      Haskell programs into monadic Agda programs. By instantiating the
      monadic program with a concrete monad instance the proof can be
      performed in either a total or a partial setting. Mona discovers
      that the proposed transformation does not work in Coq due to a
      restriction in the termination checker. In fact the transformation
      does not work in Agda anymore as well, as the termination checker in
      Agda has been improved.
      We follow Mona on an educational journey through the land of
      functional programming where she learns about concepts like free
      monads and containers as well as basics and restrictions of proof
      assistants like Coq. These concepts are well-known individually, but
      their interplay gives rise to a solution for Mona’s problem based on
      the originally proposed monadic tranformation that has not been
      presented before. When Mona starts to test her approach by proving a
      statement about simple Haskell functions, she realizes that her
      approach has an additional advantage over the original idea in
      Agda. Mona’s final solution not only works for a speci c monad
      instance but even allows her to prove monad-generic
      properties. Instead of proving properties over and over again for
      speci c monad instances she is able to prove properties that hold
      for all monads representable by a container-based instance of the
      free monad. In order to strengthen her con dence in the
      practicability of her approach, Mona evaluates her approach in a
      case study that compares two implementations for queues. In order to
      share the results with other functional programmers the fairy tale
    is available as a literate Coq file.
      If you are a citizen of the land of functional programming or are at
      least familiar with its customs, had a journey that involved
      reasoning about functional programs of your own, or are just a
      curious soul looking for the next story about monads and proofs,
    then this tale is for you.
        author    = {Sandra Dylus and
                     Jan Christiansen and
                     Finn Teegen},
        title     = {One Monad to Prove Them All},
        journal   = {Programming Journal},
        volume    = {3},
        number    = {3},
        pages     = {8},
        year      = {2019},
        url       = {https://doi.org/10.22152/programming-journal.org/2019/3/8},
        doi       = {10.22152/programming-journal.org/2019/3/8},
  • Probabilistic Functional Logic Programming

    International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages 2018 (acceptance ratio 13/23)
    with Jan Christiansen, and Finn Teegen

      This paper presents PFLP, a library for probabilistic programming in
      the functional logic programming language Curry. It demonstrates how
      the concepts of a functional logic programming language support the
      implementation of a library for probabilistic programming.
      In fact, the paradigms of functional logic and probabilistic
      programming are closely connected. That is, we can apply techniques
      from one area to the other and vice versa. We will see that an
      implementation based on the concepts of functional logic programming
      can have benefits with respect to performance compared to a standard
      list-based implementation.
        author    = {Dylus, Sandra and Christiansen, Jan and Teegen, Finn},
        editor    = {Calimeri, Francesco and Hamlen, Kevin and Leone, Nicola},
        title     = {Probabilistic Functional Logic Programming},
        booktitle = {Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages},
        year      = {2018},
        publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
        address   = {Cham},
        pages     = {3--19},
        isbn      = {978-3-319-73305-0}
  • All Sorts of Permutations (Functional Pearl)

    International Conference on Functional Programming 2016 (acceptance ratio 37/115)
    with Jan Christiansen, and Nikita Danilenko

      The combination of non-determinism and sorting is mostly associated
      with permutation sort, a sorting algorithm that is not very useful
      for sorting and has an awful running time. In this paper we look at
      the combination of non-determinism and sorting in a different light:
      given a sorting function, we apply it to a non-deterministic
      predicate to gain a function that enumerates permutations of the
      input list. We get to the bottom of necessary properties of the
      sorting algorithms and predicates in play as well as discuss
      variations of the modelled non-determinism.
      On top of that, we formulate and prove a theorem stating that no
      matter which sorting function we use, the corresponding permutation
      function enumerates all permutations of the input list. We use free
      theorems, which are derived from the type of a function alone, to
      prove the statement.
        author    = {Christiansen, Jan and Danilenko, Nikita and Dylus, Sandra},
        title     = {All Sorts of Permutations (Functional Pearl)},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming},
        series    = {ICFP 2016},
        year      = {2016},
        isbn      = {978-1-4503-4219-3},
        location  = {Nara, Japan},
        pages     = {168--179},
        numpages  = {12},
        url       = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2951913.2951949},
        doi       = {10.1145/2951913.2951949},
        acmid     = {2951949},
        publisher = {ACM},
        address   = {New York, NY, USA},
        keywords  = {Haskell, free theorems, monads, non-determinism, permutation, sorting},